Bouldering facilities - Restaurant
Choose your gym

Opening times
monday to friday 11am to 11pm
weekend & holidays 9am to 9pm
3 rue Georges Barrès, 33 300 BORDEAUX
05 57 93 96 19

Opening times
monday to friday 11am to 11pm
weekend & holidays 9am to 9pm
9 chaussée Jules César 95520 Osny
01 30 75 13 27

Opening times
monday to friday 11am to 11pm
weekend & holidays 9am to 9pm
Parc Valad de la petite montagne sud 20-22 Rue du Cantal 91090 Lisses
01 60 86 26 89

Opening times
monday to friday 11am to 11pm
weekend & holidays 9am to 9pm
ZI de la Pilaterie, 395 Rue du Général de Gaulle, 59700 Marcq-en-Baroeul
09 63 52 95 45

Opening times
monday to friday 11am to 11pm
weekend & holidays 9am to 9pm
1 rue des Vergers 69760 Limonest
04 78 21 90 97

Opening times
mon 2pm-9pm / tue wed thu fri 11am to 11pm / sat & sun 9am to 21pm
601 rue du bois d’Orly 57685 Augny
03 87 57 57 90

Opening times
monday to friday 11am to 11pm
weekend & holidays 9am to 9pm
27 Boulevard Bâtonnier Cholet, 44100 NANTES
02 40 92 88 62

Opening times
monday to friday 11am to 11pm
weekend & holidays 9am to 9pm
50 rue Ardoin 93400 Saint-Ouen
01 40 10 91 50

Opening times
monday to friday 11am to 11pm
weekend & holidays 9am to 9pm
33 rue Jacques de la Giraudière, 51100 Reims
03 26 04 47 56

Opening times
monday to friday 11am to 11pm
weekend & holidays 9am to 9pm
Eco-Pôle Sud-Est 1 rue de bray, 35510 Cesson-Sévigné
02 30 96 40 20

Opening times
monday to friday 11am to 11pm
weekend & holidays 9am to 9pm
Quartier Hautepierre, 4 Rue Alexandre Dumas, 67200 Strasbourg
03 90 23 06 91

Opening times
monday to friday 11am to 11pm
weekend & holidays 9am to 9pm
Parc des 7 Deniers, 2 rue de l'Égalité, 31200 Toulouse
05 34 67 08 37

Opening times
monday to friday 11am to 11pm
weekend & holidays 9am to 9pm
7-9 Avenue du Danemark, 37100 Tours
02 47 78 90 21
Nouvelle identité de marque : Block'Out vise toujours plus haut !
Chez Block'Out, grimper vers de nouveaux sommets est notre mission quotidienne. Aujourd'hui, nous franchissons une nouvelle étape avec le relifting total de notre identité : nouveau logo et nouvelle charte ! Après 15 ans de bons et loyaux services, il était temps pour notre logo de se refaire une...
Sherblock de l'été #3 : du 17 août au 1er septembre
Holmes : « J’ai l’avantage de bien connaître Block’Out. Toute cette activité dissimule mal leur projet énigmatique et pour autant bien ficelé, il faut l’avouer. Voyez, mon cher Watson, comme les ouvreurs se démènent pour créer de nouveaux blocs. Avez-vous remarqué l’installation des balises...
SALON DU FITNESS DE LYON – BLOCK’OUT LYON Block'Out Lyon a le plaisir de vous annoncer sa participation au salon du Fitness de Lyon ! Ce quatrième salon incontournable se déroulera au Palais des Sports Lyon Gerland, un lieu ayant accueilli d'importants événements. C’est le rendez-vous unique...
Capucine Viglione de la Team' Block'Out (CHAMPIONNE DE FRANCE DE VITESSE 2024) Quelle soirée pleine de rebondissements lors de la finale du Championnat de France de vitesse 2024 ! Nous avons retenu notre souffle à plusieurs reprises tout au long de l'événement ! Du côté féminin, Capucine Viglione...
Hello everyone.
If you're here it means you're wondering what Block'Out is about. Let me tell you the story of this adventure...

... Ready? Then I'll begin!

Block'Out project's origins
After having discovered climbing in the Forêt de Fontainebleau when they were students, Arnaud PIOGER and Emmanuel CHARRUAU decided to create an indoor climbing facility that would make it possible for experienced climbers to improve, but also for beginners to discover the joys of climbing

A unique concept
in 2008, Block'Out was borned...
... and the 2 friends offered an original concept by combining a climbing facility entirely devoted to bouldering; climbing without ropes or harnesses and a brasserie type restaurant.

Sports and exchanges
Block'Out quickly met with its audience, thanks to the freedom and the exchanges between climbers that indoor bouldering allows.

Eat and move up!
The quality of the Block'Out restaurant and service also contributed to making the brand a unique spot for sports and meals.

Then they decided to grow...
This success encouraged Arnaud and Emmanuel to open a second climbing-restaurant facility in Paris (Saint-Ouen) in 2012, and then in Evry-Lisses in 2014. tranform Block'Out in a big family !
In 2015 Block'Out opened in Strasbourg. In 2016, Rennes and Bordeaux opened their doors and more Block'Out climbing gyms. 2017 has already welcomed Toulouse. And Lille, Nantes in France, and Auckland and Sydney in the pacific area are work in progress...

What's next ???
Block'Out in Reims, Metz, Lyon, Vitrolles and new countries should come very soon... Stay tuned !!!


What is bouldering?
Block’Out gyms offer climbs up to a height of 4.5 metres. In the event of a fall, the climber lands in total safety on gymnastics-style crash-pads.

Who and how?
Bouldering requires a combination of strength, explosive power, finesse and agility, sometimes all four at once. The solutions to some problems, even difficult ones, are relatively obvious. Others, particularly in Fontainebleau, are like complex puzzles that require patience, perfect technique and subtle, unlikely body placements before they can be unlocked. As climbers progress through the grades, every level presents a challenge.
Block’Out gyms offer climbing for beginners right up to the highest level. A 7-year old beginner can find herself climbing alongside top-flight climbers, perhaps even a medal-winner in world-cup competitions!
A bloc can be climbed ‘on-sight’ (without prior information) or ‘flashed’ (climbed on the first attempt but with information, or ‘beta’, on the best method). The best style of ascent is therefore an on-sight flash. A ‘problem’ can also be ‘worked’, with success only coming after several, sometimes many, attempts.
Bouldering can be done alone or in a group. We welcome groups from schools, companies or other organisations. Please visit the websites for each Block’Out gym for information about the different formulas available.

The grading system
Fontainebleau grades are an open-ended numerical system that runs from around 3 up to 8, possibly 9, currently. To each number is added a letter (a, b or c), which from the 6th grade can be further nuanced with a ‘+’ or a ‘-‘ symbol. Boulder problems can therefore be classified in rising order of difficulty as follows: … 6c+, 7a, 7a+, 7b, etc.
Font grades are a mysterious beast. It’s not uncommon for visitors – particularly those who climb primarily indoors – to arrive thinking they can climb 7s only to find themselves humbled on 5s. Roughly speaking, beginners will be doing well to climb up to the low 5s. Intermediate level climbers will be in the 5c to 6c range. Once you hit the 7th grade you’re getting good, and from 7b and above, you can consider yourself an expert.

Some bouldering/climbing jargon you might find useful.
Block'Out Glossary
Some bouldering/climbing jargon you might find useful.
Crash pad: the ubiquitous portable mats that protect boulderers in the event of falls when climbing outside.
Brush: what you use to clean dirty holds
On sight: climbed on the first attempt without information about the method
Flash: also climbed first go but with information (beta) about the method
A move: what you do to progress from one hold to another.
Heel hook: using your heel to pull yourself into the rock.
Toe hook: using the upper side of your toes to hold yourself in to the wall, often on overhanging rock.
We’ll leave it to you to discover what a campus board is, or a flag, or an Egyptian, or a sloper, or a crimp…
A few expressions you might hear at BO:
“We’re not here to count the holds!”
“If the Fun Brigade comes by, you’ll get life!”
“It’s not late.”
“Welcome to BO!”